Template HelloSign Editor
If you are using the file upload method you will be taken to the HelloSign editor to map your signature and merge fields (optional).
If you have selected the FIle Attached to Record method you will not see the HelloSign editor page.
HelloSign Editor
- The HelloSign editor allows you to drag and drop your signature fields and merge fields onto the documents you have uploaded.
- Signature fields are under the signature option at the top
- Salesforce merge fields (non-checkbox) are available under the textbox option at the top
- Salesforce checkbox merge fields are available under the checkbox option at the top

When merging Salesforce fields the Who fills this out? will be defaulted to Salesforce. Do not modify.
To select the specific Salesforce merge field the What text goes here? dropdown will include a list of all your text merge fields when using textbox and a list of all your checkbox merge fields when using checkbox.

Updated about 5 years ago