Cancel Signature Request
Cancels an incomplete signature request. This action is not reversible.
This action is not reversible.
A 200 OK response does not indicate a successful cancelation of the signature request itself.
- The cancelation is confirmed via the "signature_request_canceled" event.
- Our package will handle the event for you updating the HelloSign_Latest_Action_c field to cancelled on the HelloSign_HelloSign_Signature_Request_c object.
Class: HelloSign.SignatureRequestService
Return type: String
Name |
cancel() |
Acceptable Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Note |
signature_request_id | String | ✓ | HelloSign_Signature_Request_ID_c field from the HelloSign_HelloSign_Signature_Request_c object. |
isLastCallout | Boolean |
String sigReqId = [
SELECT HelloSign__Signature_Request_ID__c
FROM HelloSign__HelloSign_Signature_Request__c
WHERE Id = 'a063F00000GGTQ7QAP'].HelloSign__Signature_Request_ID__c;
// Returns the 200 status code
String statusCode = new HelloSign.SignatureRequestService(sigReqId).cancel();
Updated almost 5 years ago